HTML Hackasaurus - Headings

If you have not already installed the Hackasaurus "Web X-Ray Goggles" bookmarklet into your browser, do so now. (Firefox and Chrome only!)

Activate the X-Ray Goggles by clicking on the bookmarklet, then hover the cursor over various parts of this page to see which HTML tags are being used, and where.


Your assignment is to simply convert each of the headings below to what the text indicates. With the X-Ray Goggles activated, simply hover the cursor in the area you want to edit, then hit "R" (for Remix) on your keyboard. Note that you can also use the "I" key (for Inspect) to learn more about each of the elements.

Call your instructor over once you have completed this assignment. Your headings, once complete, should look similar to this.

Heading 1

Heading 2

Heading 3

Heading 4

Heading 5

Heading 6