TDJ4M Course Outline
This is a "living document" and gets updated regularly depending on the needs and skills of the students.
Google Docs Overview
TDJxx Test Document (instructor note: see others for example)
Weekly Reflection (changed to practical summary document)
Engineering Presentation (sign-in req'd)
This review and conversations with each of the students will largely determine the content for the rest of the course.
Skills Demonstration Test
Website Review -- AutoDesk Inventor (tutorial website)
Major Independent Project
Work Habits Self Evaluation [need to create assignment page w/ link to Google Doc]
Course Summary and Self-evaluation (sign-in req'd)
Note: for all group projects where files are shared amongst the group members, preface all filenames with your initials. For example, files I would share would be named something like PB_frontFork.dwf.
Old Items
Major Project (2009-2010) -- DL650 Assembly Drawings
find resources to share (photos, drawings, schematics)
draw components
Parts Planner (sign-in req'd)