Do you have any specific questions about the curriculum forum you'd like answered?
What is the future of the forum after Cyndie retires?
What is the future of CF?
What is the future of this collaborative group
What is the future of the forum after Cyndie retires?
I wonder if there is a long range plan for the sort of pd we are doing
I would like this forum to be progressive and thought provoking; are you both of these things consistently?
What are future plans for the OTF CF? Where are we headed?
How can we, as subject associations - individually and collectively - ensure that this important ""meeting place"" not only survives but continues to evolve and thrive?"
I wonder why some associations send their presidents, when that position often changes year to year (or every couple of years). Why not send a representative who is not the president, to allow for more continuity on the Curriculum Forum?
How can we bring more elementary teachers into the Association.
can we "speed date" with everyone before we begin a new session
what do we do when the ministry ""takes a break""
What are the common challenges all groups are experiencing?
role of members
What is OTF role and impact on the Ontario new curriculum?
how can we stay connected
Is it possible for more collaboration with faculties of education
What is the purpose of the curriculum forum, what are the expectations of OTF and the Ministry???
More than anything I want to know more about the way OTF works and what their goals are as the umbrella or gathering point of federations and subject associations. The words "curriculum forum" suggests that this is an open discussion about the content of educational delivery perhaps within the context of mental health.
Is there a history of the organisation available? How long has it existed? What was its original purpose? How has it grown? How many members does it currently have and is this more or fewer than in previous years? How can we create a more vibrant connection between it and our subject associations?
can this forum put pressure on the ministry to articulate what their position is on curriculum review and release issues?
Will there be an online version, or copy of these forums available in the future to view online?
Will there be any resources developed to help me in my role as my association's CF Liaison officer?"
Are there any resources for new members to learn about the forum before they attend?
There seems to be a mish mash of pd provided; although it is impt to provide variety and to be responsive to issues which are currently impt. It would also be good to feel as though there is a vision on where we need to go and an evident plan of how we are moving in that direction
I always find the forums very useful and I have much to take back to my association to share.
is this the forum through which to express our subject association concerns to the ministry
Continue providing new TECHNOLOGY and showing us and having us TRY it out. Perhaps during the Friday meetings with the ministry -- they could ask for our collective feedback about implementation of certain 'new' policies. For example how did the new curriculum roll out take place in your board - this way they could perhaps learn that although one person at the board office and a few other teachers learned about the new 'bits & pieces' there was never any followup with the other teachers in the board. Perhaps doing further surveys like this to solicite feedback as to what the teachers need/want to help them in carrying out the policies (for example -- how assessment for / as / of relates to the K/U T A C chart) to help in guiding further training and supports.