02. Overview
Read http://processing.org/learning/overview/ in its entirety before doing any of these assignments. All assignments on this page are based on exercises from that page.
Assignment - HelloWorld
Type (do not copy-and-paste!) the code for the "Hello World" example. Modify the program so you have a yellow background and a purple line, and the line is drawn from (10,30) to (275,350).
Save your program as HelloWorld.pde, and submit to the relevant handin folder.
Assignment - Hello mouse
Note the difference in the structure of this program compared to the previous one.
Type (do not copy-and-paste!) the code for the "Hello mouse" example. Modify the program so the drawn lines are black and, when you click, the background changes to light green (as shown).
Save your program as HelloMouse.pde, and submit to the relevant handin folder.
Assignment - Exporting and distributing your work
Export a Windows version of your HelloMouse program. Rename the 32 bit version folder of your export as "HelloMouse32" and submit to the relevant handin folder. (Note: embed Java with the export).
Assignment - Creating images from your work
Modify HelloMouse.pde so it saves an image entitled "HelloMouse.png". Submit the image to the relevant handin folder. (Note: exit the program with F4 to grab the image you want)
Examples and reference
Read through this section. There is no assignment.
Assignment - More about size()
Type (do not copy-and-paste!) the code for the "More about size()" example and save as "MoreAboutSize.pde". Modify the code so it creates a 250 x 400 window and places a 25 pixel circle exactly in the middle. Submit the image to the relevant handin folder.
Loading and displaying data
Read through this section. There is no assignment.
Note that we may be reading in data in later assignments so be sure you understand the basic concepts of this.
Libraries add new features
Read through this section. There is no assignment.
Feel free to experiment with any libraries you learn about.