Cool Tech #2
Post date: Jun 14, 2011 4:22:12 PM
I think we're going to run out of time in the morning classes to do the Cool Tech presentations, so I'm adapting the requirements a little.
Instead of sending a short email to the class email list just a few details and a link and doing a presentation, I'd like you to just send an email with the following:
- an explanation of the Cool Tech item,
- a link to the website where your classmates can find more information, and
- an explanation of why you chose that item.
Spelling and grammar with be marked in this email, as well as compliance with the items listed above.
The deadline for this assignment is end of class this Friday.
Note: For the grade 12's, you are still obligated to create a Google Presentation, but you won't be presenting it to the class, only sharing it online.