Analysis of Folding Bike Design Process


If you have not already watched the Folding Bike Reinvented video, do so now.

Open a copy of this Google Presentation template, and rename as "Full Name(s) CourseCode Analysis of Folding Bike Design Process". Share the document with your instructor, and if you have any assignment partners, also share the document with them.

Rewatch the videos as many times as needed to document how the designer used the design process, as defined in the slides in the template file.

Your slide show will be presented to the class, and will be marked according to this rubric. NEW

Learning Goals


A1.1 describe the purpose of design for the folding bike in terms of key technological concepts (e.g., aesthetics, control, environmental sustainability/stewardship, ergonomics, fabrication, function, innovation, material, mechanism, power and energy, structure, safety, systems)

A1.2 identify the steps in a design process

A2.2 identify appropriate methods, strategies, and tools for developing designs and for planning and organizing the folding bike project (e.g., making sketches, using organizers and/or file management software)

A2.3 investigate and list the skills and work habits needed for planning and organizing the folding bike project (e.g., problem solving, decision making, task planning, oral communication, finding information).

A3.1 identify the different methods for representing the folding bike design ideas graphically (e.g., hand-drawn or computer-generated sketches, technical drawings)

A3.3 identify various types of technical drawings used in the design of the folding bike (e.g., orthographic, pictorial, detail, and rendered drawings; floor plans; elevations; sections)

A4.1 explain the purposes of building models and prototypes of the folding bike

A4.2 identify a variety of tools and materials used for modelling and prototyping the folding bike. (e.g., tools: utility knife, CAD software, foam cutter, bandsaw; materials: composites, textiles, metals, clay, foam board)

A4.3 identify key criteria for assessing designs of the folding bike (e.g., functionality, size, weight, durability, aesthetics, cultural appropriateness)

A4.4 identify tools, equipment, and methods for testing and evaluating models and prototypes of the folding bike

A5.1 correctly use key technical terms and specialized language related to the design of the folding bike

A5.2 describe a variety of methods for recording design ideas and documenting the progress of the design of the folding bike (e.g., portfolio, journal, logs, sketchbook)

A5.3 identify a variety of presentation tools (e.g., LCD projector, interactive white board, webcast) used to communicate the progress and results for the design of the folding bike

B1.1 gather and use pertinent information (e.g., on existing products, available materials, and other resources) for the design of the folding bike

B4.1 create presentations and/or design briefs using a prescribed format to document the folding bike project

B4.2 report and reflect on their experience with the design process, using a suitable oral and/or written format (e.g., presentation, log, journal)

C2.1 describe how society influences the development and use of the folding bike (e.g., traffic congestion spurs development of compact vehicles; increasing population density leads to the construction of taller buildings; environmental awareness leads to increased use of alternative energy sources)