Coverage for 2010-04-20
Post date: Apr 20, 2010 10:33:42 AM
Period 1 - Room 3109 - ICS3C, ICS3U, ICS4C, ICS4U
The students will find their assignments at (they already know this and should check it automatically)
I have given the students access to the list of Prezi presentations on Flowcharting. They are to spend to period looking over each others' presentations and continue researching or experimenting with flowcharting software techniques. Remind them they will be presenting tomorrow.
Try to get them to stay on task -- No Facebook or YouTube!
Period 3 - Room 3109 - TDJ3M, TDJ4M
The students will find their assignments at (they already know this and should check it automatically)
The following projects are now overdue and should be students' highest priority:
Fig. 2-1 Basic Dimensioning Elements
Using Exact Dimensions booklet
Student should now be staring the Trace House Drawing #1 assignment.
The TDJ4M students are drawing the DL650 frame (see daybook for link) in AutoDesk Inventor. I will be marking their progress on Wednesday, and the progress will be based on what they have previously submitted.
Please remind the students that there is no class tomorrow (Friday).
Try to get them to stay on task -- No Facebook or YouTube!
Period 4 - Room 3109 - TGJ2O
The students will find their assignments at (they already know this and should check it automatically)
There is a literacy lesson on the teacher's desk. Please do this with the students at the beginning of class.
The following projects or assignments are now overdue and should be students' highest priority:
Precis and Opinion (The Sum of Your Facial Parts)
For today, they are to create a *2nd* magazine cover.
Try to get them to stay on task -- No Facebook or YouTube!