Web Server Assignment

  1. Follow these instructions to get XAMPP installed.

    1. Create a folder in your class folder named "serverTest".

    2. In this folder, create a webpage named "index.html". On this page, put the following:

      1. An appropriate title, as a heading 1, centered.

      2. Your name, as a heading 2, centered.

      3. A list of the two students left of you, indented under a "Other students" heading.

      4. A picture of yourself working in class, sourced from Google Photos.

      5. A bulleted list of classes you're in.

      6. Links to:

        1. your ePortfolio

        2. the class webpage

        3. your favourite website

        4. a funny (and appropriate!) meme.

    3. Copy this folder to the default folder for Apache. In the default webpage, include the following HTML code in the <head> section:

    4. <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=serverTest/" />


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