Photography - Article Summary

If you look in the "O:\Beens\TGJxx PhotographyBB Magazines" folder you will see a number of magazines which have been downloaded from

Choose any one article from the magazines that interests you and that you feel is not too advanced for you to understand with some study. The topic does not matter.

To be sure no one else is reviewing the same article, please enter the details in this spreadsheet (sign-in req'd).

Read the article and use Google Presentation to summarize the "facts" in the article. Name this file "Full Name Course Code PhotographyBB Article Summary" and share it with your instructor (as editor).

All your entries can be in point form.

On the title slide of the presentation, enter:

    • your name,

    • the title of the article,

    • the magazine issue, and

    • the page number.

On the individual slides, enter "facts" you learn from the article. Try to minimize the content on each slide to a simple concept, and remember that phrases are better than sentences.

Include at least one photo in your presentation, taken as a screen shot from the article, or from another source, as long as it is suitable and representative of the article. Be sure to cite the source of the photo.

Include a summary slide detailing your impression of the article, and whether you think the article is suitable for the class. Finally, give the article a "star rating", out of five.

Hint: you can search for specific articles you might be interested in on the PhotographyBB website. Use the link shown above.


I would like to thank for granting me permission to share these downloaded magazines publicly on our school network.

For others interested in downloading these free magazines, visit If you are a twitter user, you can follow them at

TGJ2O Learning Goals

    • A1.2 demonstrate an understanding of design elements (e.g., line, form, colour, texture, space) and principles (e.g., balance, rhythm, proportion, contrast, flow) in the creation of a presentation;

  • A1.3 demonstrate an understanding of production processes and workflows as it relates to the photographic process;

  • A1.4 identify different types of communications technology devices and their components (e.g., cameras and accessories, lighting equipment, scanners), and explain how they are used to produce communications products and services;

  • A1.5 identify different types of communications software used to create communications technology products and services (e.g., software for photo editing and computer graphics) and describe how they are used.

  • A2.1 demonstrate an understanding of communications technology terms, and use them correctly in oral and written communication (e.g., composition, contrast, scene);

  • A2.2 demonstrate an understanding of basic scientific concepts that relate to processes and technologies used in photography (e.g., optical principles related to use of cameras and lighting; principles of digitization and their application to digital imaging);

  • B3.1 apply creative skills, equipment operating skills, and software skills to create components for a media production (e.g., text, video footage, voice-overs, graphics, animations for a video promoting a school event);