Linux System Administration
Playlist link for this series:
Assignment Introduction
Create a Google Slideshow using this template.
While watching each video, take notes in your slideshow. You will have to create a page (or more) for each video.
After watching each video, do the activities listed. Be sure to call the instructor over where indicated to get your mark recorded.
Linux Sysadmin Basics -- Course Introduction
Linux Sysadmin Basics 02 -- Basic Commands
Experiment with each of the commands mentioned in this video:
pwd -- where am I?
ls -- list stuff in a directory
cd -- change directory
mv -- move and rename files
rm -- remove files and directories
rmdir -- remove directories
touch -- create empty files
mkdir -- create directories
man -- "manual" (help) pages
Try out the various flags (AKA argument or options) mentioned.
What is unique about hidden files?
How do you clear the terminal window?
What command lists the directory contents?
How would you list all the contents of the root directory?
What is the default shell?
What character is used to represent the "root" directory?
What character is used to represent your home directory?
What command prints your current working directory?
What does the up arrow do?
How do you use auto-completion?
What command changes the directory you are in?
How do you go to the "home" folder?
How do you create an empty file?
How do you display a text file on the console?
How do you create a directory?
What are files that end with a tilde?
What command is used to move a file or directory?
What command is used to rename a file?
How do you delete a file?
How do you delete a directory?
What command can be used to delete a file or directory?
How do you recursively delete a directory?
What is the command to show the manual page for a command?
What is the path to happy Linux "Sys Adminhood"?
Linux Sysadmin Basics 02.1 -- More Basic Commands
Experient with each of the commands mentioned in this video:
head (read lines from beginning of file)
tail (read lines from end of file)
tail -f (follow file input, i.e. see new additions in realtime)
ln -s (create symbolic links to a file)
Shell (bash):
ctrl-a (beginning of line)
ctrl-e (end of line)
ctrl-r (backwards history search)
ctrl-c to interrupt
closing connections/terminals -ctrl-d
poweroff / init 0 / shutdown -h now
How do you go to the beginning of a line in the shell?
How do you get to the end of a line?
What character is used to begin a comment in the shell?
How do you search your shell history?
MORE COMING... (4:17)