Skills Development Project #1

For this project, you choose any of the following software to work with:

    • AutoCAD

    • Inventor

    • Revit

    • SketchUp (with permission)

Diigo Assignment

Add a minimum of six tutorial websites related to your chosen software to our class Diigo group. (If you are not yet a member of the group, you will have to join.) Tag each bookmark with "TDJxx TDJ TDJ4M tutorial" and the name of the software.

When you are looking for the tutorial websites, don't just bookmark the first six that you find. Go to as many websites as needed to find six useful tutorials, ones that would be beneficial both to you and other students wanting to learn that software.

Skills Development

Choose at least two of the tutorials that you have bookmarked and follow them, saving and submitting your files at least daily.

At the end of each week, submit a Weekly Reflection.

> Fundamental Technological Concepts

> Fundamental Technological Concepts Assignment

More coming later...